Collective Worship in our church school is Christian in nature. We provide an act of collective worship for all pupils every day, usually in a whole school group, but occasionally in smaller groups such as a class. Parents may withdraw their children from collective worship on religious grounds.
During collective worship children and adults will respond to the worship on offer in different ways and at different levels. We recognise pupils and staff have varied backgrounds and aim for everyone to find something positive for themselves in the worship they are offered.
We organise our worship to follow the key values we hold dear as a church school. These values include: responsibility, generosity, respect and reverence, friendship, trust, hope, justice, compassion, perseverance, forgiveness, wisdom, creativity, thankfulness, peace, humility, service, truthfulness and courage. We would identify the values in bold as core to our school and it's golden rules.
Links with our local Church
St Margaret's Church is about a 10 minute walk from school. Revd Elke Cattermole is the Rector and she makes weekly visits to our school to conduct one of our collective worships. We also visit the Church for services through out the year, often inviting parents to attend. Services we usually attend are; Harvest, Remembrance, Christingle and Easter. We provide the Church with decorations for key services and Revd Elke enjoys sharing our work with the local parish.