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School Meals

You will find links below to menus for week 1, 2 and 3 and allergen information

Jacket potatoes are offered daily with fillings of cheese, beans or tuna:


Please note that on Monday there will be no option 2 as stated

School meals, including packed lunches are currently priced at £2.53 per meal.  After October half-term 2024 lunch balances will be transferred to our new Arbor system.  All children attending Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are offered a free school meal as part of the Government's Universal Free School Meals for infants programme.

Our school is dedicated to developing the health and wellbeing of all children. We also offer healthy balanced packed lunches for you to order for your child’s lunch. 

Our packed lunch rota is as follows:

Monday - Ham

Tuesday - Tuna

Wednesday - Cheese

Thursday - Ham

Friday - Cheese

Our school packed lunches also include:

Vegetable Sticks (Cucumber/Carrot)

Savoury Snack (Cheese Straws, Nachos for example)

Fruit or Fruit Bag




Milk or water is available to drink with their packed lunch.

Choosing a school packed lunch has the following advantages:

  • Saves time in the mornings in lunch preparation
  • A cost saving for those children in Reception and key stage 1
  • The opportunity to eat outdoors in fine weather at the picnic benches
  • The opportunity to socialise with all of their friends

The kitchen can accommodate different fillings for your child’s sandwich if the filling of the day is not the preferred choice. Just inform the school office on the day!

Home Packed Lunches

Children may bring a packed lunch for their midday meal in a clearly-named container. Sweets, chocolates, fizzy or artificially-sweetened drinks are not acceptable, as they do not comply with our healthy eating policy. Water and milk is always available at lunch times. If you provide a drink we ask that it is water or fruit juice.


As many children in school suffer from severe allergic reaction to nuts, please do not include items made with nuts in your child’s packed lunch. This includes Nutella and peanut butter.

Mid-Morning Snacks & Drinks

For mid-morning snacks we encourage the children to eat fruit or vegetables. You may wish to provide these snacks for yourself. Sweets, nuts, biscuits or crisps are not permitted.


We participate in the free fruit and vegetable scheme which provides children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 with a free piece of fruit or veg each day.


Water is always available to the children. Children may bring their named, closed-top/sports top (to prevent spillages), plastic water bottle to school. It should contain water without any flavourings or additives.
