Our worship theme for this half term is: Wisdom
Collective worship in our church school must be wholly Christian and take place every day, whether as a school or in smaller groups such as a class. Parents may withdraw their children from collective worship on religious grounds and we will arrange for them to be supervised.
Collective worship plays a central part in our church school and models our vision, values and ethos. It is organised into half termly units which follow the core values we consider to be very important important in the life of our school: compassion, courage, friendship, truthfulness, wisdom and respect. Alongside these core values we also include; responsibility, respect and reverence, trust, justice, perseverance, thankfulness, humility, generosity, hope, forgiveness, creativity, peace and service.
Once a week Rev. Nicola visits from our local church, St Margaret's. Rev. Nicola brings lots of visuals and stories to explain biblical passages. We always end our worships with a prayer and with Rev. Nicola we also use the Lords Prayer too.
During the school day children will say prayers at lunchtimes and end of the school day. Our Golden Rules reflect our Christian ethos.