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Vision, Values, Ethos & Aims


Our small school is 'like a small mustard seed, which is smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants'.   (Mark 4:30-32)





The parable of the mustard seed can be a metaphor for our children, who blossom during their time here ready for the next stage of their journey. Each child is nurtured, and enabled to flourish through our teaching and care.


We treat every child with the dignity and respect they deserve as children of God. Each child grows like a mustard seed and is supported and tended by our school community.


We hope that each child will grow spiritually during their time here; through worship and wisdom gained from teaching and learning, 'Growing & Learning Together'.


Our school values are important and enable us to live well together. They include; compassion, courage, friendship, truthfulness, wisdom and respect.  Alongside these core values we also embed and cherish; responsibility, respect and reverence, trust, justice, perseverance, thankfulness, humility, generosity, hope, forgiveness, creativity, peace and service into our collective worship.



To provide all our children with the best possible education promoting knowledge, independence and respect for others.  Our small school is a learning community for everyone.



  • For every child to achieve their learning potential and for standards for all to be high.
  • For every member of the school to feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth and for each to be seen as an individual with unique potential.
  • To develop children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness.
  • To promote positive relationships with parents, carer, governors, the local community and the wider world.
  • To prepare children for transition into and through our school and on to the next phase of their education and adult life.
  • To encourage every child to develop a love for learning by providing an exciting and engaging curriculum and to encourage both independence and working together.
  • To encourage respect and care for one another in line with British Values and our Christian ethos.
  • For children to care for their environment and world around them by developing a sense of responsibility, self – discipline and teamwork.
  • To promote learning and a wealth of opportunities for all members of the school community including the pupils, their families and staff.

